Princesses, Peas and Pirates...
In response to Tin Tin and Jodie's question ("Where is Ronel?") I have decided to fill you... I have been kidnapped by 16 four and five year olds. My days are spent in the Kindy/Pre-primary room at my final prac school. My nights are spent planning my lessons... Today was "P" day and we all dressed up as something beginning with P. I was a pirate, Captain Hook to be exact with a giant black hat, eye patch, boots, curly black hair... the lot. Half of the girls were princesses and we even had a Pebbles from the Flintstones. It was all very fun until an unfortunate accident involving a hysterical four year old and a stapler... the poor little thing had managed to actually staple himself in the thumb, it was messy!
awww poor little trooper...Captain Ronel hehe I can just picture it now :P
Posted by
c@th |
10:42 PM
So is that what you are going to wear to 'The View's' Pirate Party?!
Posted by
Jodes |
6:20 PM
My goodness NO! I actually made a little girl cry I looked so scary! The outfit for the pirate party is still to be decided.
Posted by
Ronel |
6:44 PM
oh so this is where the cool people hang out! I was missing you on sunday night. i had to sit all by myself coz almost no one was there and those that were had seats saved around them...sniff...its ok i can handle rejection
Posted by
Marje |
9:10 AM
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