
man, life can be so stressful
I have been dealing with a lot of negative vibes and an unbelievable heavy work-load at work, my Mum being sick and back in hospital and feeling the need to try and please everyone and be the 'wonder woman' i would like to be, but I seriously fail at that....
the result? high blood pressure, clumps of my hair falling out in the shower and a lot of tears (no surprises there!)
My boss has been suprisingling sweet and supportive, she made me realise that I need some serious ME time now and to stop trying to please everyone else. I'm really greatful for the people surrounding me, even though they can't always be there, it helps knowing they are there to listen...a very good quality I appreciate in a friend.
and yes, I have so much to be greatful for, this post is in no way a 'feel sorry for me' pitty party.
so anyway.. I have decided to splurge a reward? a little bit of retail therapy plus a day off today from work, and then 3 days down south over the long-weekend with my man...bring it on, baby!
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