Deep & Meaningful thoughts with Nelson...
What it means to be a girly girl...
I was reading an article the other day about Manly Men, what it means to be manly in a society that values gender equality where the lines between men and women are often blurred. This led to me thinking about what is means to be a girly girl. I have come to the conclusion that although I love clothes, make-up, doing my hair and all that stuff in the end appearances have very little to do with having a feminine heart. The girls I admire and respect, Angelina Jolie, Mother Teresa, Esther (in the Bible), my mum, Heather Baker, Nancy Alcorn, Christine Caine... all have one thing in common, they have warm, nurturing hearts who truly care about others around them. I feel most beautiful when I am holding a crying child and I know that my presence is making them feel comforted.
Femininity to me always comes back to Proverbs 31... When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say and she always says it kindly. To me there is nothing feminine about being a diva and demanding repect. As Audrey Hepburn puts it "For beautiful lips speak words of kindness". I think that as we embrace the compassion, mercy and potential to nurture that God has buried in all our hearts we will be bright shining stars in a world where girls are often seen as complicated drama queens.
What do you girls (& guys) out there think?
wow Nelson, that's beautiful clearly radiate inside and out with a feminine heart :o)
nice job with posting!...we want more! :P
Posted by
c@th |
11:16 AM
Totally agree...There's much to admire about a woman after God's own heart. 'Charm is deceptive & beauty is fleeting...' And although I don't know u that well I reckon you're BEAUTIFUL!
Posted by
*jessix* |
10:26 AM
Aww, thanks Jess, you are too! :)
Posted by
Ronel |
4:35 PM
That is so true and so awesome and something definately worth aspiring towards.
My hope and prayer is that we can all look back one day and say we have become a proverbs 31 woman!
Love u Nelson
Love Desmond!
Posted by
Food Loving Mama |
3:39 PM
Thanks Des! Love u 2...
Posted by
Ronel |
5:54 PM
hmm.. nice post.. i agree.. no one wants a diva.. well not this guy anyways.. and a beautiful heart is truly worth finding rather than a superficial shallow appearance..
great post there nelson..
Posted by
6:40 AM
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