...It's been a while, i know ;)
Hello peeps
Yah...it's been a while
I am very much awaiting the arrival of Spiderman 3...I am a huge spidey fan! yipeeee!
Yah...it's been a while
to be quite honest, I just haven't felt like posting for a wee while...so there ya go ;)
I had my 21st birthday on April 3, so that was really exciting. I was showered with loads of love and lovely gifts...Didn't really want anything big and fancy, so on the weekend I went to lil Creatures with the fam and my boy, which was quite lovely :)...the Blues and roots festival happened to be on in Freo that night, so it was extra nice to have John Butler serenade me from behind the fence hehe
Then my girls threw a little picnic on the river for me, which was also very very lovely. Thanks girls :)

Did you know...? that the Cherry Blossom (my fav flower) means spiritual beauty and education? It's fascinating what you read on the bottom of kleenex tissue boxes ;)
Last weekend was quite a sporty one...On Friday night we went to see my boys in blue, none other than the W
estern Force, of whom I am a proud Gold Member :D...and I am very happy to report they kicked the Cheetah's behinds with a 45-17 win!!

Plus we went to the Freo Docker's game on Sunday afternoon, where they narrowly won to the Adelaide Crows by 1 whole point!..It was my first ever footy match, which I thoroughly enjoyed!

Bring on May 3!
That is all for now...peace out ;)
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